Yitatek K. Yitbarek

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Short Biography

Yitatek K. Yitbarek

  • info@afcced.com

Yitatek works at the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials (RSB) as a project manager in Ethiopia where his work focuses on developing a Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) roadmap and managing engagement with key local and regional stakeholders who will play a role in driving the development of the industrial bioeconomy. He has established a steering committee of key stakeholders and actors and oversees the overall roadmap development and works in identifying the potential feedstocks for SAF, technology, finance, and the pathway to implement a SAF roadmap for Ethiopia.

Yitatek is passionate about current developments and global debates on climate change, renewable energy, and policy-research linkages. He has an interest in biofuel production and development in Ethiopia and the broader region. Prior to joining RSB, he was the Programs Coordinator and Policy Interaction and Communication Lead at the Environment and Climate Research Center (ECRC) at the Policy Studies Institute (PSI). ECRC is a centre established to backstop Ethiopia’s Climate Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy through research and knowledge.

He worked as Regional Facilitator (East Africa) for an International Training Programme (ITP) for Climate Change – Adaptation and Mitigation offered by the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI) funded by Sida. In his previous work, he was involved in project on establishing the Ethiopian Panel on Climate Change (EPCC) and produced and presented a radio programme about renewable energy investments and current developments in Africa.