Prof. Nicholas Ozor

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Short Biography

Prof. Nicholas Ozor


Nicholas Ozor, B. Agriculture (Nig., First Class Honours); MSc, Agricultural Administration (Nig., Distinction) Ph.D, International & Rural Development and Agricultural Extension (Reading, UK & Nigeria respectively), is a Professor of Public Policy and the Executive Director of the African Technology Policy Studies Network Nairobi, Kenya, a transdisciplinary network of researchers, policymakers, private sector actors, and civil society actors promoting the generation, dissemination, use and mastery of Science, Technology and Innovations (STI) for Africa’s development, environmental sustainability, and global inclusion with coverage in 30 countries (27 in Africa and 3 Diaspora chapters in the Australia, United States of America, and United Kingdom). Prior to this appointment, he worked as the Senior Research Officer at the ATPS where he provided leadership in Research, Communication, Training and Outreach for the organization. He was formerly a Senior lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Extension, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. He also worked as an Agricultural Extension Agent for many years with the Enugu State Agricultural Development Programme (ADP), Enugu State, Nigeria. Prof Ozor is a Commonwealth Scholar (Split-site Doctoral Programme) and holds the Best PhD Thesis Award in Agriculture in Nigeria, 2006, under the Nigerian Universities Doctoral Theses Award Scheme (NUDTAS) organized by the National Universities Commission. He holds the Wellcome Trust Award for the Best PhD Presenter in 2006 during the Development Studies Association Conference at the University of Reading, United Kingdom. He is also a Teaching Fellow and Mentor, African Climate Change Fellowship Programme (ACCFP), funded by the International global change SysTem for Analysis, Research and Training (START).


Prof Ozor has led and is currently leading many internationally funded research projects bordering on science, technology and innovation (STI); agriculture, food and nutrition; natural resource management; innovation systems; climate change; development issues; policy development, analysis and advocacy; technology management and transfer; and private sector engagements among others. He has good mastery of the computers and its applications to problem solving situations. Prof Ozor is a member of many professional organizations and has published over 140 articles in reputable international journals, book chapters, and other multimedia. Prof Ozor has raised over US$ 60 million in grants to support development work in Africa. He sits on the Board of many international bodies including a Member of the Governing Board of the International Research and Training Center for Science and Technology Strategy, a category 2 Center under the auspices of UNESCO. He is also a Member of the International Advisory Committee for the German Bioeconomy Council. Prof Ozor is on the Advisory Board of the Global Diplomatic Forum (GDF) that fosters sustainable partnerships with diplomatic services, government agencies, politicians, thought leaders, media, IGOs and NGOs, academics and the private sector. He is a Member of the International Resource Experts for the Belmont Forum. He has attended many international conferences/workshops aimed at evolving sustainable best practices for national, regional and international developments. He holds many distinctive prizes and awards for academic excellence and good community leadership. Prof Ozor’s vision is to be at the frontier of learning and in the consequent application of the rich knowledge acquired to make a positive difference to humanity. He is married to Gloria, a literary artiste, and blessed with children.



  • Fundraising from multiple donors in areas of STI including agriculture and food systems; environment and climate change; and low carbon energy development; etc.
  • Program development, implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning across the STI fields to promote demand-driven initiatives aimed at sustaining inclusive development at local, national, regional and continental levels.
  • Core research, teaching and community development across the STI areas stated above.  
  • Network building with stakeholders at individual and institutional levels aimed at forging effective and efficient partnerships and collaborations to solve complex societal challenges.
  • Capacity building and training of varied stakeholders in STI including researchers, policymakers, civil society, the private sector and the media among others.
  • Policy analysis and advocacy across STI issues for empowering policymakers to utilize homegrown research evidence in policymaking processes that enhance development and good governance.
  • Knowledge valorization across STI issues that aim at bringing technology and innovation to the market place.
  • Outreach and communication that aim to increase awareness and understanding of key STI issues among relevant stakeholders for use in development objectives.
  • Publications: very quick in transforming ideas from research into published outputs to contribute to the knowledge economy.
  • Leadership and mentorship: providing strategic direction for organizations and teams to achieve their goals as well as grooming the future leaders through informed mentorship and support systems.


For more details, please contact:

Prof. Nicholas Ozor

Executive Director

African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS)

8th Floor, Chancery Building, Valley Road,

P.O. Box 10081-00100, Nairobi, Kenya

Mobile: +254713161928

