Madina M. Guloba is a development economist and a Senior Research Fellow at the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC). Her focus has been on gender, climate change, education, poverty and labour markets.
She sits on several technical committees of government ministries and agencies and is a member of the national SDG taskforce.
Madina is a member of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), member of the National Advisory Committee on Monitoring and Evaluation representing Research and Academia in the Office of the Prime Minister, Member of the National SDG task force, technical member of the Green Growth Strategy, Technical committee Member of Northern Uganda Social Action Fund Phase 3 (NUSAF 3), and technical Committee member of the National Population Council. She is also a Board Member for the Platform for Street Vendors in Uganda (PLAVU).She holds a PhD and Masters of Arts in Economics from the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.