Dr Smail Khennas

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Short Biography

Dr Smail Khennas

  • info@afcced.com

Dr Smail Khennas is an independent Algerian expert on energy systems and climate change. He holds a PhD in Energy Economics from the Energy Institute of Economics and Energy Policy of Grenoble University, France. Smail has more than 35 years’ experience in the field of energy policies and planning, renewable energy, energy information system particularly in Africa. Dr Smail Khennas has a long experience in dealing with multiple key stakeholders in the energy sector, notably international inter-governmental organizations (EU, UN, AfDB, World Bank, UNDP, among others) International NGOs and the private sector. He has carried out studies, annual reviews, project evaluation, impact evaluation, cost-benefit analysis and feasibility studies in areas related to energy particularly renewable energy policies and cross-cutting topics such as health, gender, and poverty. He has also carried out several evaluations on renewable energy and climate change. Dr Smail Khennas is an IPCC lead author for Assessment reports 5 and 6 as well as the special report on renewable energy. He has published as author or co-author 8 books and more than 40 articles.