Abu-Bakar Massaquoi (Abu) is a seasoned sustainability professional with extensive international experience, and a broad depth of environmental, international development, and climate systems knowledge. He is the USAID/STOP Spillover Sierra Leone Country Team Lead. Abu has worked in full time program management and consulting and advisory roles in many countries with various international development organisations, including USAID, the World Bank, AfDB, UNDP/GEF, UNICEF, ECOWAS, Expertise France, FCDO, and the USDA Forest Service- International Programs. He is experienced in managing multi-functional teams and complex interventions addressing climate resilience, sustainable energy, natural resource management, poverty alleviation, public health, and disaster risk reduction. He also has extensive partnership building, strategic planning, policy delivery, risk communications, and resource mobilization experience. Abu is well-versed in project outcome mapping (and harvesting), institutional strengthening, donor relations (and reporting), multi-level stakeholder engagement, and NGO and research grants management. He holds a PhD from the University of Reading (UK) and can be reached at massaquoiabubakar@gmail.com.